Better Late than Never
I consider myself to be a real spokesperson for "processing". I've given list of questions and quotes and encouraged people to pick their words and write down their goals. To start the year dreaming big and watch it unfold as you walk through the months to come.
And sometimes it’s humbling and hard to admit that we are well into 2015 and I don’t really have any. I was just trying to survive January, stay warm in February and now it’s March.
I spent some time at the beach this weekend. It was rainy and cold but for this “long walks on the beach” lover it was good for my soul. In classic Rebecca style, I asked a friend what her goals for 2015 were. She listed off several before asking me mine. “Okay now, tell me yours. I’m always inspired by the way you think.” I was more than a little embarrassed to admit I couldn't think of any off the top of my head. I wrote down some at the end of the year but I don’t really remember them.
Obviously I felt terrible.
Goals? Nope.Things I planned on accomplishing this year? Couldn’t think of anything. Even my “word for the year” wasn’t something I was super passionate about.
Last year felt like I was barely holding on, in the best kind of way. Like a roller coaster with all the bends and turns and thrills but every one of them was so exciting. And now it’s slowed down a little. Not bad, just slower. Not as thrilling. Days spent just going through the routine of life and not seeking anything new.
What do you do when life just slows down?
Psalms 23: 2-3 “ He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me besides still waters, He restores my soul. He guides me along the right path, for His namesake.”
Still waters. Where the Lord comes in and restores. I am so good at the still waters. I am so good at just resting there.
And sometimes I linger a little too long. I’m good at staying put, not stepping out, and not being brave.
But I can’t stay there too long before the Lord says “You’re rested, you’re good. Get up. Let’s keep going”.
So I’m working on my goals. And still working through my word.
And here is my short list of goals:
• To wear more red lipstick
• To not hate mornings (I don’t have to like them, just not hate them)
• To memorize Romans 8:1-30 (again), Ephesian 4:1-7 (for real), and Romans 12:1-2, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Psalms 46:1-11
• To write more and to read more
• To buy gold calligraphy ink and write 100 letters.
• To run 500 miles this year (before you ask, yes, just like the song )
There are some that I'll keep to myself but If you are reading this, you are allowed to ask me about the above list.
Actually, if you tell me you read this and don’t ask me, I’ll know you skipped over this part. How embarrassing for you.
Join me in not wasting this year avoiding deadlines or living under the fear that you are not enough or not doing it right.
You’re not. We’re all fallen. No one is doing it perfectly.
So take some solace in the fact that we are imperfect and start giving your world a glimpse of your sweet, flawed self.